What is PayForex Global Pay Bills?
PayForex Global Pay Bills is a service that allows you to pay overseas utility bills from Japan. You can easily pay various types of utility bills (electricity, water, gas, internet, etc.) anytime while you are in Japan.
※ Available countries/regions and payment types are increasing.
Payment can be made within 24 hours / 365 days a year
With PayForex′s Global Pay Bills, you can pay your overseas utility bills anytime and anywhere at a low fee.

Available bill payments are increasing
Electricity bill
Water Utility
Cable & Internet
PayForex Global Pay Bills Operating Guide

Select "Global Pay Bills"
Log in and select "Global Pay Bills"

Select the country
Please select the Country/ Payment type/Bill company

Input amount
Just input the required bill number and amount, it's complete!
About PayForex
Low fees , high satisfaction, and the highest level of service from PayForex.
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